[BC] Re: Continental 314r-1

Stevan A. White w5saw at pathwayz.com
Tue Jan 22 21:12:59 CST 2008

I dealt with one of those several years ago and ISTR that you can use a 
pocket flashlight to shine into the light pipe to see if it brings the 
thing to life.  If it does you know to check the "purple glow circuit" 
and it's driver circuits.  You can try Continental for more help or I 
know there's a guy that works for Broadcast Works (in Texarkana, their 
main office is in Tyler, Texas) who can probably help you.  Best wishes!

Best Regards,
Stevan A. White, W5SAW
SW Commercial Electronics
928 South Crockett Street
Amarillo, Texas 79102
Phone 806-681-7228
w5saw at pathwayz.com

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our 
(Eric Hoffer, American Author)

Steve wrote:
> Yes this is a PWM and I have no way of checking but I think there is some
> output there
> but I am not sure if it is driving the PA to full power.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> Steve,
> My memory is a bit fuzzy but isn't this a PDM/PWM modulated rig?
> I ask because if is...the symptoms sound like something in the PDM tube or
> associated circuits is causing the PDM tube not to conduct. 
> Dr. Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
> <http://lists.radiolists.net/mailman/listinfo/broadcast> 
> [mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
> <http://lists.radiolists.net/mailman/listinfo/broadcast> ] On Behalf Of
> Steve
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:43 AM
> To: broadcast at radiolists.net
> <http://lists.radiolists.net/mailman/listinfo/broadcast> 
> Subject: [BC] Continental 314r-1
> I am in the process of retuning this box and I am having trouble getting the
> power out of it. I can get normal high voltage reading, but no 
> plate voltage, however the plate voltage meter seems to be pulsing at about
> a second . Now if I turn down the power control (lower)
> then at some point I can get 5-700 volts of plate voltage, but as I turn up
> the power it trips off. When it is at 700 volts I get current of about 150
> ma (.15)
> of plate current and maybe half and amp of final output current. Then if I
> turn up the power control with it off and put it in High or Low power it
> pulses? Continental has been trying to help, but I wanted to see if somebody
> in the field has experienced any of this or has any insight.
> Thanks,
> Steve Fraunfelter
> Chief Engineer
> AVC Communications Inc
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