[BC] "Mixing Product" for all you smart engineers...

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Wed Jan 23 10:08:17 CST 2008

On Tuesday 22 January 2008 05:20 pm, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:

>  Approximately halfway between each tower, I heard 1450 WCRS very clearly on
>  1230Khz... and as far as I know, the person who owns no station on 1230 (He
>  owns 1390, but that doesnt simulcast however WJES 1200 and WCRS 1450 do,
>  part time)

>  What caused this and what exactly was I hearing?

 It's likely a mix product, yes, but as to exactly what caused it ?

 Some of us are paid quite well to answer that question in specific cases.
 It's an odd order product most likely, and can involve a CONSIDERABLE
 amount of work to find "exactly" what you're hearing.

 You need to find some non-linear device and some combination of
 frequencies that produce some product of some mix that results in
 1450 appearing on 1230.
 Good luck !


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