[BC] TV Weather

Powell E. Way III W4OPW w4opw at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 23 09:58:28 CST 2008

--- "Paul B. Walker, Jr."
<walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com> wrote:

> As for weather, I look at the WABV Wonderful
> Colorful Dopplar Wirless 
> Thermometer to tell me the temperature and I dress
> accordingly when I 
> go outside. As I walk through the lobby, I check to
> see if it's 
> raining, snowing, thundering, lightning or etc and
> take proper 
> precautions. I don't need a weather person to tell
> me that!

And when you see the convience store across the street
whirling in the air, it's time to run out the back
door as FAST as you can !!


POP email is powell at backroads  DOT     net

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