[BC] Staffing levels

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Wed Jan 23 11:39:08 CST 2008

Charge a daily rate. Do not work by the hour!

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Dave Dybas" <dd92251 at aol.com>

 > When I took my car into Firestone for repairs, they were charging $85/hr for
 > labor. I believe I'm worth at least that. However, when I quote that rate
 > most station managers go into "haggle mode" and put up a fuss. Eventually we
 > compromise at a rate that's acceptable to both of us.
 > I could be strict and say take it or leave it...but my family needs to eat.
 > Ohhhh..what to do?

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