[BC] TV Weather

Sid Schweiger sid at wrko.com
Wed Jan 23 11:11:29 CST 2008

>>You guys seem to forget the winter of 96/97.  Boston was all but shut

down for a week after a storm which dumped 2 ft. along the seacoast 
up through Maine and inland to Vermont. A couple weeks later, another 
12+ was dumped on the same area.<<

I didn't forget it, because it wasn't nearly the same thing.  The temps
were at least ten degrees colder than in 1978, and therefore the snow
accumulations had lower moisture content and were very easy to move. 
The high winds of 1978 were also missing.  Public roads were never
closed, because they were nearly all cleared out in less than 24 hours
after the snow stopped.

The classic photo of the Blizzard of '78 is a row of cars stopped and
stranded along I-95/Route 128, the beltway around Boston.  The snow was
falling so fast (in excess of three inches per hour) that once the cars
stopped, for any reason, they were trapped there.  Thousands of people
spent the night in those cars.  The process of digging them out did not
even begin until two days after the storm.  Severe damage was also done
to the Massachusetts coastline.  Hundreds of homes were damaged or
totalled due to excessive tidal swells and 90-mph winds.  There were
approximately 100 deaths.  The snows of 1996/97 didn't even come close.

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom New England
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Boston MA  02135-2040
Phone: 617-779-5369
Fax: 617-779-5379
E-Mail: sid at wrko.com

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