[BC] Car Radio Antennas

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Wed Jan 23 16:32:20 CST 2008

------ At 04:46 PM 1/23/2008, Mark Durenberger wrote: -------

>I dunno...I think a car seriously bristling with antennas and long 
>whips is kinda cool.

Just visit your local Hamfest.

>And while we're at it...maybe an LED flasher bar on top for turn 
>signals. And what the hey:  A roof-mounted siren right in the 
>middle, ala police cars circa 1928  <g>

Local police are very touchy about that even though they no longer 
use those sirens. How would you choose a color for the light bar when 
different cities/states use different colors. You'd have to stay in 
your own city or be accused of impersonating an officer or official 
vehicle. These people have no sense of humor or retro-ness.


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