[BC] Car Radio Antennas

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 18:13:23 CST 2008

Orange is good - NOT yellow, but true International Orange - start with 
clear bubble, add tower paint to suit.


Rich Wood wrote:
> ------ At 04:46 PM 1/23/2008, Mark Durenberger wrote: -------
>> I dunno...I think a car seriously bristling with antennas and long 
>> whips is kinda cool.
> Just visit your local Hamfest.
>> And while we're at it...maybe an LED flasher bar on top for turn 
>> signals. And what the hey:  A roof-mounted siren right in the middle, 
>> ala police cars circa 1928  <g>
> Local police are very touchy about that even though they no longer use 
> those sirens. How would you choose a color for the light bar when 
> different cities/states use different colors. You'd have to stay in 
> your own city or be accused of impersonating an officer or official 
> vehicle. These people have no sense of humor or retro-ness.

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