[BC] "Mixing Product" for all you smart engineers...

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 22:26:23 CST 2008

There's no 1340 nearby as I recall... if there is, it's WAY out of 
any reception range for me.

The only mixing product I could come up with number wise is 660 in 
Greenville.. a 50KW Daytimer and 570 from Ashville, NC to the north of me.


On Jan 23, 2008 11:08 PM, Barry McLarnon 
<<mailto:bdm at bdmcomm.ca>bdm at bdmcomm.ca> wrote:

Is there a 1340 in the area?  One possibility is a 3rd-order product
like (2 X 1340) - 1450 = 1230.  In my experience, the most common
intermod products are of the form 2A - B, followed by A + B - C,
A - B, and 3A - 2B.  So, look for strong signals in the area, plug in
1450 as one of the variables, and do the math...

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