[BC] Give me bargain...

Tom Bosscher tom at bosscher.org
Thu Jan 24 09:16:49 CST 2008


	Great Story. The one I heard from my wise Dad was about a 
doctor and an attorney talking to each other at a party. 
Each had been interrupted by someone looking for free 
medical or legal advice. As the last intruder walked away, 
the doctor asked the attorney, "How do you deal with these 

	The attorney told the doctor, "I give them a correct 
answer, then send them a bill in the mail".

	Amazing said the doctor.

	Three days later the doctor got a bill from the attorney.

	Part of the problem today is that with all the 
consolidation, is if a local engineer leaves, they will use 
engineers from other clusters 1 to 3 hours away for the fire 
calls. This negates any need for fill in contract. In West 
Michigan, there is precious little contract work anymore. 
What there is, only pays $ 25-30/hr, not worth my time.

	As a 55 year old, who has been doing this for 35+ years, I 
just don't know what the answer is.

	To quote a TV Doctor, "It is what it is".

	ol tom bosscher

Burt I. Weiner wrote:
   > I told him that $400 was a steal and that $600 was a 
bargain.  I did the
> remote and sent him a bill for $600.  He paid and since he's never 
> quibbled when I charge him $400.00. 

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