[BC] Sage Endec Remote Control Software

Tim Backer (At Home) TBacker at Verizon.Net
Thu Jan 24 14:39:39 CST 2008

 >Do you have a multi-unit version for the multi-station cluster which
 >has as many as 9 units in one place? It would be nice to be able to
 >coordinate the RWT for all the stations with the click of one mouse button.

Sorry for the delay - I'm still trying to get properly subscribed to the
list serv....

That is doable, but it's down the road a bit.  The next version in progress
basic logging capabilies.  I've got it successfully downloading and parsing
events from the MSG buffer and am now working on getting the data into
a simple database for lookup, archiving, and reporting.  Haven't worked on
for a few days, though.  Damn full time job :-)

Are you saying click one button to initiate RWT simultaneously for all
Seems like that would be tough to coordinate programming-wise.

While I'm trying to keep this simple, if anyone has ideas on what to include
this type of utility, I'm open to input.

Remember, it only uses the hand control capabilities of the Sage, so there
some limitations.

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