[BC] Staffing levels

Ron Nott ron at nottltd.com
Thu Jan 24 14:36:09 CST 2008

Another factor is that a half century ago, most of the equipment 
contained tubes which required periodic replacent.  Then things had 
to be aligned from time to time.  Other things needed 
troubleshooting.  Nowadays the solid state equipment is black box in 
nature.  You plug it in, connect the ins and the outs and it operates 
maintenance free for years.  It just ain't the same and it also 
provides no heat for the building.

Ron Nott, DVP

On Jan 21, 2008 11:44 AM, Dana Puopolo <dpuopolo at usa.net> wrote:

>What it really means is an industry whose employment is shrinking 
>instead of growing. An industry that people, (especially engineers) 
>are getting out of (and not getting into).
>It's a very sick industry. A dying industry. And the bean counters 
>have succeeded in killing it.
>Radio's prognosis is not good.....

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