[BC] Encrypted wireles mics

Harold Hallikainen harold at hallikainen.com
Thu Jan 24 22:29:31 CST 2008

> Yes it is Bluetooth.
> Of course, isn't the real difference, essentially, the distance that is
> needed to be covered?
> There were quite a few Bluetooth applications shown at CES for pushing
> audio around. Wi-Fi, too. Home media centers/servers are big this year. A
> few will be mentioned in the upcoming RG.

I'll look forward to seeing that. As I look at Bluetooth bandwidth, I see
it can do about 2Mbps, which MAY be marginally acceptable. (24 bit 96k
won't fit, though). Also, in this application, we want to talk to laptops,
and 802.11 is more prevalent than Bluetooth in laptops (I think).


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