[BC] Encrypted wireles mics

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Thu Jan 24 22:47:08 CST 2008

At 09:29 PM 1/24/2008, Harold Hallikainen, wrote
>I'll look forward to seeing that. As I look at Bluetooth bandwidth, I see
>it can do about 2Mbps, which MAY be marginally acceptable. (24 bit 96k
>won't fit, though). Also, in this application, we want to talk to laptops,
>and 802.11 is more prevalent than Bluetooth in laptops (I think).

         Yes, in PCs for example. As you undoubtedly
         are aware, the ultimate selection of what
         will work will depend upon your exact intention.

         There are a couple of products
         that take line-level in and, essentially,
         "broadcast" it on Wi-Fi.    One
         that instantly comes to mind is the
         Hava system. Mostly for TV, it should
         work for audio on Wi-Fi or down the 'net.

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