[BC] Interesting new VOIP phone company

engineermike engineermike at mindspring.com
Fri Jan 25 20:53:11 CST 2008

Anybody seen adds for the new company that will provide you with a phone 
anywhere you have broadband and a PC?  The best I understand the adapter 
hooks to your USB port and then you connect any standard phone to it.  
The adapter is $39.95 I believe and if I recall correctly there was a 
rebate for that if you bought two years or three in advance.  Here's the 
kicker.  It's $19.95 a YEAR.  I was on the phone so I didn't get it all 
and I missed the web site but I found it very cheap and very interesting 
for an on the go phone.  Anyone know anything about this company or system?
Have a good one

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