[BC] Interesting new VOIP phone company

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Sat Jan 26 20:33:55 CST 2008

At 06:47 PM 1/26/2008, engineermike, wrote
>I was thinking more along the lines of something to carry with me 
>for our bound calls when I travel and the cell battery is low which 
>happens about every evening.  I didn't mean for a permanent phone 
>service and as I said that's what I caught.  There may be more to 
>it.  Barry would you mind giving us the low down?  Hey for $19.95 a 
>year you can't expect much but I would expect to be able to connect 
>a phone to it.  LOL

         Yes ... not the electronic ones, though.
         You could carry one of those little
         "handsets with a cord" ...

         There is a real good reason why this
         may be a viable business.  I guessed
         right when I asked them.  This could
         ... and should ... be much better than
         Vonage, etc, once it gets known.

         Vonage .. I used for a year, and EVERY
         time I tried to use it on the road, it did
         not work.  Port blocking. HOURS on the
         phone with tech support ... and I finally
         told them, if they said "reboot" one more
         time, I was going to hang up and cancel.

         Unfortunately, I got SunRocket!

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