[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 18:56:16 CST 2008

Kevin Tekel wrote:
> The high RF field ...
> I remember staying in a Chicago hotel that was only a few blocks away from
> the Sears Tower.  In the hotel room, my Sony SRF-A100 radio was plagued
> with intermod on the AM band unless I kept it in narrow bandwidth mode,
> and it was even worse on FM unless I kept it in "local" mode (instead of
> "DX").

Well, DUH!  Why would you use DX mode within a mile of the transmitter, 

<sigh>  Ya buy 'em books, ya buy 'em books,,, and they eat 'em.  :-D

Tom S.

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