[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Dan Dickey dldickey at ieee.org
Sun Jan 27 21:56:20 CST 2008

> Sure is a lack of info in that article! I could definitely see RKE
> receivers being overloaded by all the RF in the area. But, isn't RKE used
> ONLY as a convenience?

Not necessarily. There are some cars that use something similar to (or maybe 
exactly like) RFID as a "security" measure. The RFID chip is in the key and 
the car pings the key to make sure it is "genuine". Either a wrong or no 
answer from the key and the car won't start. One could imagine RFI confusing 
the receiver in the car.

I was just reading an article today about how the RFID industry is all giddy 
about their technology ending up in just about everything including the 
clothes we wear. It's interesting and scary at the same time. One "cool" 
application described is to have an RFID credit card (like an Exxon 
SpeedPass) on your key ring and all the stuff in the grocery store has an 
RFID tag. You bag up whatever you want and walk out the door. Your credit 
card is automatically charged and you never stand in any checkout line. Your 
email receives an itemized list of what you purchased before you get home. I 
think they still have some potential fraud issues to work out on that one 

Best regards,
Dan Dickey

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