[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Mark Earle mearle at mearle.com
Sun Jan 27 21:51:09 CST 2008

Harold Hallikainen wrote:
>> The high RF field surrounding the Empire State Building is allegedly
>> causing many mysterious breakdowns of motor vehicles on the streets below:
>> http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2008/01/27/2008-01-27_empire_state_building_car_zap_mystery.html
>> or, if that link gets split up, try:
>> http://tinyurl.com/2pdf6m
> Sure is a lack of info in that article! I could definitely see RKE
> receivers being overloaded by all the RF in the area. But, isn't RKE used
> ONLY as a convenience? On our brand new 2008 Honda Fit, the RKE is handy,
> but door still has a key lock and the ignition switch uses a key.
> It seems that any EMI cause other than RKE would require quite high RF
> fields.
> So, ideas?
> Harold
Well.. at a tx site in Houston are 9 FM's (15k TPO average) on one 
antenna, a UHF TV, buncha 2-way. Main antenna is ~2000'.

When you park at the building you're ~2400' from the antenna.

Key-Fob type entry systems sometimes don't work. SOME vehicles employ 
logic so having the physical key is not enough to start - you must also 
have the transmitter, and the receiver must decode the data to allow a 
start.. or keep the car running.

Some cars are more prone to RF on their body or engine control 
computers... I've inadvertently shut down year model 2000-2006 cars, 
within 50' of my '97 truck, by keying up with 100w ERP 52.525 transmitter.

It would be interesting if someone logged all the "stalled" cars, and 
had details of their non-mechanical entry systems. See if it's a 
particular make, model, series, manufacturer, etc. Or see if perhaps 
some after-market "alarm" system is at fault.

Don't forget, also, many vehicles in colder climates have remote start - 
you pre-set the heater, hit the remote start while finishing coffee in 
the house.. the defrost works, and cab is warm, if you let the car run a 
few minutes. (We also do that in TX, but pre-set the air conditioner 
controls to cool-down a 120+ cab on sunny days in summer).

A "sensitive" remote start system could fail - and those systems are 
wired in to the starter and ignition circuits... I've seen a lot more 
after-market systems, than those installed at the factory.


       ) )
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   ( |    |   KFTX 97.5 Corpus Christi, TX
    `|____|   mearle at mearle.com

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