[BC] Vonage (etc) vs copper dial line

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 21:36:49 CST 2008


You'd be proud of me.... I have TWO "power failure" phones.... one is an old
clunky office style phone and another is a slimeline type phone I got for
free from the phone comapny that I originally had (Western Carolina Rural
Telephone Communications Co-operative, Inc)...

I have one landline and one VOIP line.


On Jan 27, 2008 10:26 PM, <WBRadiolists at aol.com> wrote:

> This is *exactly* why I will be keeping my copper pair phone line until
> they
> pry it from my cold, dead hands. ;)
> Cell phones have proven themselves *useless*, time and again, in
> widespread
> emergencies, while in *most* cases, POTS came through. I also have a
> "power
> failure phone" which is phone-line powered, right by the bed. There is one
> at
> WFIF, also. Anywhere you have an electronic phone system, you should have
> at
> LEAST one POTS phone connected (or readily connectable) to an analog line.
> A good
> quality UPS on the phone system is a good idea, too. :)
> Willie...

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