[BC] Question about Transpacific Signals and Call Letters

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 22:11:02 CST 2008

I airchecked the sign off of V6AI 1449Khz/88.1Mhz from Colonia, Yap,
Federated States of Micronesia.

They only seem to ID as 88.1 FM but I've specifically heard them mention
1449 other times as well.

Listen to the sign off here:

Listen before the last song at about 4 mins 24 seconds where you hear "Our
KUTE Studio Time Is Now 11:59.."....  KUTE is 90.9 in Ignacio, Colorado.

When FSM was a US Protectorate, were stations issued K call letters like
Guam, American Samora and etc?

Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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