[BC] FCC greenlights Clear Channel deal

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Mon Jan 28 07:26:19 CST 2008

------ At 02:34 AM 1/26/2008, Mike McCarthy wrote: -------

>It's a separator trust which keeps the station(s) running until a 
>buyer is found.  Another well known trust is the "Last Bastion 
>Trust".  Some stations are held in these trusts for years while 
>they're marketed.  Working for them can be a real challenge as 
>virtually no capital is invested unless it involves the immediate 
>continuance of operations.  And even then, it's done as cheaply as possible.

That's standard operating procedure when a station is being sold or 
simply on the market. Owners see it as throwing good money after bad 
unless something threatens the value of the property and jeopardizes 
the sale or the price.


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