[BC] RFI creates problems for cars

Joe Rother ListServe at rother.us
Mon Jan 28 10:18:20 CST 2008

At my local tower site, my wife's car (1999 Corolla) will not unlock her
doors with the RKE, Fortunately her car does not use an RFID Key to start
the car. My 2002 Civic must have the RFID in the key to operate. If the RFID
were blocked like her RKE, I would be in a heap of trouble.

   A local broadcast equipment salesman just bought a Toyota Hybrid that has
a RKE that allows you to open the doors, and turn on the car by pushing
buttons. As long as the car sees the RKE device in range, no keys are needed
for anything. I would be concerned that this could technology would lead to
carjackers that know that once the owner gets close enough to his car, it's
an open target.

Also at one station that I worked at In Cincinnati, the building doors used
a proximity card that would open the door when the card was near a pad by
the door. I'm very concerned about the credit cards that are doing this now.
With as much fraud attempts on credit cards now from cards where crooks
either copy your number, or have a stealth swiper to get your info, At least
you usually have to have handed someone the card for them to get your card
information.  With the cards that are read with a proximity reader, I would
think that it would make it easier for crooks to just get near the wallet
that the card is in, and steal the information.

Too scary for me.

Joe Rother
Family Life Radio - West Texas

E: jrother at flc.org
P: (806)438-9472

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