[BC] Sangean HDT-1X

ChuxGarage at aol.com ChuxGarage at aol.com
Mon Jan 28 11:13:27 CST 2008

In a message dated 1/28/2008 5:11:46 AM Central Standard Time, 
broadcast-request at radiolists.net writes:

> I read with some interest Arron Reed's review of the HDT-1X  Does anyone 
> else have any observations, comments, insight, etc. on this RX?  Arron 
> seems to think highly of it enough he's suggesting it could be used as a 
> low cost station monitor.  At $250 list, that's a fairly decent price...for 
> a radio which has both HD and C-QUAM as well as some basic diagnostic tools.

I can't speak for the HDT-1X, but the HDT-1 is a very decent radio.  You 
couldn't use it for off air monitoring, at least for talent.  Even in analog it 
inserts a delay which you'd find very disconcerting.  It also has a nasty 
feature that if it loses power, you have to manually push the "Power" button to make 
it come on.  In most home situations, that's OK, but in any commercial 
application, that is very inconvenient.  I figured a $20 work around for that 
problem.  I plan to send it and some pictures to Barry.  Maybe he will print it.

I've also had mine "lock up" a couple of times.  The display looks normal, 
but there is no audio.  Power cycle it, and all is well.  It is a computer, 
after all.

That said, it has excellent selectivity.  It really ignores adjacent channel 
interference, which is quite impressive.  At least on FM, it is quite 
sensitive too.  I've found in difficult interference situations it actually works 
better than the Inovonics or Fanfare translator receivers.  Unfortunately, it does 
not have a composite out, or a loss of carrier alarm.  I haven't figured out 
a work around for those.  Modifying anything on the main PC Board is not for 
the faint of heart.  

Chuck Conrad
KZQX Radio

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