[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Kevin Block kblock at cablerocket.com
Mon Jan 28 11:48:22 CST 2008

Something else that may be adding to the mix are all the new 
drive-by-wire vehicles hitting the road. The ones I've experienced 
(mainly Fords) exhibit a microsecond of delay between the 
start/acceleration command and the actual reaction. I'm assuming it's 
the CPU deciding what to do which accounts for most of the delay. I'm 
also assuming a bit of voltage (RF or otherwise) could confuse things 
causing a misfire.

Just my 2 cents...

R A Meuser wrote:
>Also, the RFID technology used in cars now is relatively new.
>Glen Kippel wrote:
>   They have had transmitters in top of the ESB for years
>>now -- why is this suddenly an issue?  I could possibly see interference to
>>remote door locks, however.  I have had some problem with that at our
>>transmitter site.

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