[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Mon Jan 28 12:03:42 CST 2008

Its could also be the hysterisis of the engine as well.  I drive a bunch of 
rentals each year and I find some engines are FAR more responsive than 
others. Typically, the higher performance engines rev very quickly whereas 
others take their time.  Drive by wire response is potentially far quicker 
as the electronics can precisely command the fuel flow and timing advance 
needed in very short order. I suspect it has more to do with the emissions 
control than actual engine hysterisis however.


At 10:48 AM 1/28/2008 -0700, Kevin Block wrote
>Something else that may be adding to the mix are all the new drive-by-wire 
>vehicles hitting the road. The ones I've experienced (mainly Fords) 
>exhibit a microsecond of delay between the start/acceleration command and 
>the actual reaction. I'm assuming it's the CPU deciding what to do which 
>accounts for most of the delay. I'm also assuming a bit of voltage (RF or 
>otherwise) could confuse things causing a misfire.
>Just my 2 cents...
>R A Meuser wrote:
>>Also, the RFID technology used in cars now is relatively new.
>>Glen Kippel wrote:
>>   They have had transmitters in top of the ESB for years
>>>now -- why is this suddenly an issue?  I could possibly see interference to
>>>remote door locks, however.  I have had some problem with that at our
>>>transmitter site.

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