[BC] Vonage (etc) vs copper dial line

Bruce Potterton bpotterton at ksgn.com
Mon Jan 28 12:54:21 CST 2008

Yeah you got it right.  

When they did the install at my house they used the old copper as a pull
line for the fiber.

The fiber goes to their box in your garage and includes a battery

Their box has coax, Ethernet and pots outputs.   The internet can go out
via Ethernet or coax.  They often use the coax that is already in your
house to get the internet to the router.. their router has both Ethernet
and coax WAN input.

Bruce Potterton


-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Rich Wood
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:05 AM
To: Broadcasters' Mailing List
Subject: Re: [BC] Vonage (etc) vs copper dial line

------ At 09:42 AM 1/26/2008, Dave Dunsmoor wrote: -------

>What is FIOS? This sounds something akin to when TELCO removed all our 
>dry lines in favor of fiber a while back.

As I understand it it's an all purpose fiber delivery system. It's
supposed to include the equivalent of cable TV, Internet, phone and
anything else that comes along. At least that's what the TV spots
promise. The spots are running here but the service isn't available.



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