[BC] RFI stalls cars

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Mon Jan 28 14:07:18 CST 2008

At 12:42 PM 1/28/2008, Broadcast List, wrote
>On the other hand, I have seen places like Cougar Mountain where the 
>keyless entry was totally

         This is indeed an issue on many mountain sites.

>You may then just sit in the car and press a button marked 
>"Start."  Now, if a poor quality receiver front end is swamped by 
>the RF, the car may not start.  SOME of the newer cars don't even 
>have a provision for a conventional metal cut key with mechanical 
>pins.  I think Mercedes only have a fob, but it does have a hole in 
>the dash where you can put it.

         There are other cars the same way, including the Lexus.

         One wonders now ... suppose someone drives to a mountain
         site and then cannot get a car with no ignition "switch" restarted?
         This could be a problem if many cars start to come with such
         a "keyless" system. Someone might be "stranded" or .. try to
         push their car down the road to get away from the transmitters???


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