[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 29 01:15:52 CST 2008

R.J. Carpenter wrote:
> While Ford may be adopting drive-by-wire for passenger cars, haven't
> large trucks used it for a number of years?

Volkswagen's diesels, such as my Passat TDI, have had drive-by-wire since
1996 (even earlier in Europe).  On these, cruise control is always
standard, because it is all done electronically... no more vacuum servo.

Also, if you step on the brake and accelerator simultaneously, it will cut
the throttle, after about a half-second delay to allow for heel-and-toe
shifting.  Lift off the brake while still keeping your right foot on the
accelerator, and it will pick up again, after another short delay.

Oh, and if you want to adjust the injection timing and all sorts of engine
tweaks that used to be done manually, you can buy a $200 software package,
hook your computer up to the car's OBD II port, and do it by point-and-

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