[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Mark Earle mearle at mearle.com
Tue Jan 29 07:37:02 CST 2008

Kevin Tekel wrote:
> R.A. Meuser wrote:
>> I think it is clear from other posts on this topic that it is in fact a
>> car problem. I believe the issue is that there are few places where

We should all go back to 56 Chevy's :-)

> combinations were used, it can be a problem... just like decades ago when
> carmakers only used a relatively limited number of key cuts, so it was
> quite possible for one person's key to open up someone else's car.

My first car was handed down to me from my Dad.. he got a "newer" 
commute vehicle.. I got the 68 Falcon. Start/ ignition cylinter was bad, 
replaced it. Carried two keys for the rare times the car was locked 
(only on "big city" trips.

Turns out the key for the new ignition cylinder was the same key as 
Dad's newer car, a Maverick. Just luck of the draw in what the parts guy 
handed me.

> Of course that means I also can't arm the car's alarm, but on a manual-
> transmission car, the chances of theft are minimal anyway -- most of the
> potential thieves wouldn't be able to drive it away!
Yeah.. but the auto transmissions these days are so good. My son's new 
Mazda 3 has a really smooth shifting 5 speed (which can be operated 
manually by the driver if desired). Pretty cool.


       ) )
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    `|____|   mearle at mearle.com

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