[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 28 22:25:49 CST 2008

R.A. Meuser wrote:
> I think it is clear from other posts on this topic that it is in fact a
> car problem. I believe the issue is that there are few places where
> there is the combination of high RF levels and a high density of
> vehicles. We will mostly likely be hearing much more on the subject now
> that the cat is out of the bag so to speak. I wonder how long before the
> same problem is discovered in Chicago and possibly Boston.

You touch upon the possible problem of two different cars having the same
RFID.  Especially with the early systems were only a limited number of
combinations were used, it can be a problem... just like decades ago when
carmakers only used a relatively limited number of key cuts, so it was
quite possible for one person's key to open up someone else's car.

And as for remote keyless entry, I always preferred the infrared version
back when it was used in the '90s.  Of course it has a much more limited
range than RF keyless entry, but especially in an urban area, you
shouldn't be unlocking your car if it's far enough away that you can't see

My new car came with RF keyless entry, but I never use it... I just use
the real metal non-RFID-encoded key.  I don't even carry the remote fob on
Of course that means I also can't arm the car's alarm, but on a manual-
transmission car, the chances of theft are minimal anyway -- most of the
potential thieves wouldn't be able to drive it away!

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