gRAdy Moates lists at loudandclean.com
Wed Jan 30 12:46:20 CST 2008

    These kinds of stories are why I love this business. . . 
and I've been to WARE, myself.  One of my clients 
"almost" bought it.  



> My first radio station job was at WARE, 1250 kHz, 1/4 the frequency of
> 5 Mhz WWV. I would zero-beat the crystal oscillator against WWV
> once a week when I did transmitter maintenance on Sunday Night.
> Little did I know that sometime in the future I would be the designer
> of some WWV transmitters! It turns out they are nothing special except
> they need broadcast quality on shortwave (so the ticks don't get
> screwed up) and a BNC connect to take the input frequency as
> 1 volt in 50 ohms.
> --
> Cheers,
> Richard B. Johnson
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: RLO2L at aol.com
>> Many years ago when a telephone technician at AT&T in Ft. 
>> Wayne,  Indiana, I ran up a length of frame wire to the microwave 
>> tower on the third  floor of the Central Office building to receive 
>> the WWV signals to beat against  some of our microwave 
>> generator test equipment.
>> Much to my surprise I was able to receive not only WWV out of 
>> Fort Collins, but delayed by some short time period, we also 
>> were able to receive the code and voice ID of WWVH in Hawaii !

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