[BC] Talk Radio losing influence?

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Thu Jan 31 11:57:08 CST 2008

At 09:40 AM 1/31/2008, Rich Wood wrote:
>------ At 03:02 AM 1/31/2008, Donna Halper wrote: -------
>>I think it depends on the host-- Limbaugh, like him or not, is 
>>still the subject of intense scrutiny, and when he talks, people 
>>not only listen but they react.
>That's where we part company. It's been shown repeatedly that 
>Limbaugh doesn't have much clout.

I didn't say he has clout-- although studies in the mid 1990s showed 
that he absolutely did at that point in time.  I said he is perceived 
as controversial, and knowing how folks in the media (on both sides 
of the political aisle) love controversy, whatever he says gets lots 
of scrutiny and reaction.  Ditto for Howard Stern, Bill O'Reilly, and 
Keith Olbermann, just to name a few.

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