[BC] Talk Radio losing influence?

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 13:06:22 CST 2008

On Jan 30, 2008 5:46 PM, <nakayle at gmail.com> wrote:

> Since Limbaugh, Hannity, and every other conservative talk jock I know of
> has been vehemently trying to derail McCain the past several weeks is his
> continuing victories in Republicans primaries a sign that conservative
> talk
> radio has lost it's power over listeners?  How are the ratings these days?
> -----------

You may have seen the article in today's *Inside Radio* -- a study be The
Benchmark Company found that 86% of listeners to talk radio said that it has
no influence on them.  I don't have any info on what it used to be in the
past, but I would suggest that most people prefer to make up their own minds
on things, and would object to being called "sheeple."  Thus, maybe it's not
that "conservative talk radio has lost it's power over listeners," maybe it
didn't have much in the first place.  The problem is, however, that most
people suffer from a lack of variety in their input -- as an example, TV
news reporting on the election seems to concentrate on only the top three
people in the polls, especially if that's who the media leaders prefer.  For
instance, Ron Paul was #2 in the Nevada caucus, but you didn't hear a peep
about this in the media.  If more of the candidates had media exposure,
maybe more people would be interested in voting for them.

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