[BC] Talk Radio losing influence?

R A Meuser rameuser at ieee.org
Thu Jan 31 13:24:43 CST 2008

I think most people misunderstand the motive of most large media. Just 
as Rich will tell you talk radio is just another form of entertainment 
so is most news. I do not see a conservative or liberal bias in most 
cases. What I see, and I know because it is how the people around me 
work, is that media is prone to tell a story. They really don't care who 
is on top or not. What they care about is building drama and making into 
an on going story. News, sports, soap operas - it's all the same.

Glen Kippel wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2008 5:46 PM, <nakayle at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Since Limbaugh, Hannity, and every other conservative talk jock I know of
>>has been vehemently trying to derail McCain the past several weeks is his
>>continuing victories in Republicans primaries a sign that conservative
>>radio has lost it's power over listeners?  How are the ratings these days?
> You may have seen the article in today's *Inside Radio* -- a study be The
> Benchmark Company found that 86% of listeners to talk radio said that it has
> no influence on them.  I don't have any info on what it used to be in the
> past, but I would suggest that most people prefer to make up their own minds
> on things, and would object to being called "sheeple."  Thus, maybe it's not
> that "conservative talk radio has lost it's power over listeners," maybe it
> didn't have much in the first place.  The problem is, however, that most
> people suffer from a lack of variety in their input -- as an example, TV
> news reporting on the election seems to concentrate on only the top three
> people in the polls, especially if that's who the media leaders prefer.  For
> instance, Ron Paul was #2 in the Nevada caucus, but you didn't hear a peep
> about this in the media.  If more of the candidates had media exposure,
> maybe more people would be interested in voting for them.
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