[BC] TV Set/Converter

R A Meuser rameuser at ieee.org
Tue Jan 1 23:32:48 CST 2008

The problem is that CRTs are now illegal in enough of the world they 
will no longer be built. I, too, have a CRT HDTV and it is excellent. 
The biggest difference between CRTs and all the other technologies is 
that a CRT will adapt to the resolution presented to it. Other 
technologies are built with one specific resolution and other formats 
have to be re-mapped to it. If you are watching a 108i broadcast on 
an older 720P LCD, the format will be down converted and yield the 
worst of both formats. All that being said, the newest 1080P LCD 
displays exceed the quality of most source material.

Broadcast List wrote:
>The short answer is that a CRT is going to have the best picture, 
>PERIOD, end of discussion.  That is why I have a 308 pound CRT based 
>HDTV in my living room.
>CRTs have the brightest picture, best color, and best contrast ratio 
>(blackest blacks).  The refresh rates are the best as well.  CRTs rule.

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