[BC] Getting phones on the air

Dale Adkins- WINI AM wini at intrnet.net
Thu Jan 3 09:33:31 CST 2008

Chuck wrote:

.  I
> got a frantic call from the GM that the audio on the air was not the
> audio from the studio.  I flipped the station on and heard two women
> comparing cherry pie recipes, along with the information that one of
> the husbands was not the most sober guy in the world.

        I am reminded of the time when I was at KLIN in
        Lincoln NE.  Both our station and competing KFOR
        originated Nebraska football games by
        5kc "broadcast
        loops".    After audio checks and time checks for
        an hour before air time,  when the broadcast was
        put on the air we were airing their announcers and             they
were airing ours.  Apparently someone at                 Lincoln Telephone
did a last minute check of the             lines and switched patch cords.


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