[BC] TV Set/Converter

FrankGott at aol.com FrankGott at aol.com
Thu Jan 3 21:43:49 CST 2008

In a message dated 1/2/2008 4:14:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
curt at spam-o-matic.net writes:

<<  Has anyone been able to find actual retail $$ on any converters ?
  So far, I have not... >>

You can request a government issue $40 voucher for a converter at 
www.dtv2009.com.  There's a link on the site on where to find a retailer.  Clicking on it 
brings the message that a list of retailers will be available on the site in 

Frank Gottlieb<BR><BR><BR>**************<BR>Start the year off right.  Easy 
ways to stay in shape.<BR>     

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