[BC] Robust headphones

Mark W. Croom markc at kjly.com
Fri Jan 4 08:57:06 CST 2008

I'm still a fan of the AKG 240 series. I've got a 240DF that I've had since
the mid 80s and I still wear them regularly, though I'm not in the studio
every day any more. Replaced the ear pads and elastic loops in that time but
this one even has the original cable. I've had to re-solder the connection
inside the headset a couple of times in all those years as well. 

I do some production several times a month and they continue to serve me well.

Plus they are fairly high impedance so I can hang them across audio circuits
in punch blocks and they work pretty well for signal tracing.

I suppose they are kind of passe when most jocks are carrying the Sony sets,
but I just get better results with cans that go around the ears rather than
lay on them. Maybe it's my big ears.


---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Jim Wood, C.P.E.W." <electrojim at sbcglobal.net>
To: <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 19:15:01 -0700
Subject: [BC] Robust headphones

> Okay, guys, what is the most comfortable set of cans on the
> market today?  Robustness is a certainly a consideration in
> our workplace, but if YOU had to put on a set of headphones
> right now and wear them continually for the REST OF YOUR
> LIFE, what would you choose, all other factors being secondary?
> Thanks,
>      Jim Wood
>      Brea, CA

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