[BC] Robust headphones

Chris Oradat coradat at blissnet.net
Fri Jan 4 15:22:17 CST 2008

>>I have the Koss Electrostatic phones.   
They are just as uncomfortable as the Pro 4AA, but they really do  
sound very good.  They are a pain in the rear end to use, and to  
drive.  The "special" cord has to plug into a box that has to be  
driven by a fairly high power amplifier.  I use a Crown D-75 as a  
headphone amp for those -- the speaker out, not the headphone out.   
Even so, they are not DJ loud.

You might try a StudioHub headphone amp.  They're about $90 / position and
will drive the snot out of most headphones.  And as for the D-75, the
headphone out and the speaker out are in PARALLEL.  They're relying on the
impedance of the headphones to drop the power output to a 'reasonable'

As for me, I'll take Sennheiser HD-280 please.  They do wonders at cutting
out surrounding noise, but are a little fragile in the swivel joints -- the
wire from ear to ear runs through them and if the set is not folded right,
it will break the cable.  A little bassey, but I'm young and still like

Chris Oradat

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