[BC] RE: Unrated markets

tpt at literock93r.com tpt at literock93r.com
Sat Jan 5 20:57:46 CST 2008

The 3 to 14 stations; 15 to 45, etc. rule applies to radio markets,  
not TV. The rule follows the law set forth in the 1996  
telecommunications act. The FCC had the responsibility of defining  
what a "market" is, a task they failed miserably at.

TV multiple ownership rules are entirely different, in essence,  
without waivers or special exceptions, there is no TV multiple  
ownership in the same market. (Most TV-TV combos operate under a  
waiver of some sort.).

2nd strange statement:  Of course commercial stations can own their  
own translators, we own three.  These translators must be "fill-in"  
translators, however. That is, the translator's contour can't go  
beyond the service contour of the primary station (54 dbu for B's, 57  
dbu for B-1's, 60 dbu for all other classes).

A commercial FM station may be carried on a translator outside the  
service contour only if the translator is owned by someone else. The  
primary station can't provide financial support but can provide  
engineering support.

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