[BC] RE: Unrated markets

Craig Bowman craig1 at shianet.org
Sat Jan 5 22:35:26 CST 2008

tpt at literock93r.com wrote:
> The 3 to 14 stations; 15 to 45, etc. rule applies to radio markets, 
> not TV. The rule follows the law set forth in the 1996 
> telecommunications act. The FCC had the responsibility of defining 
> what a "market" is, a task they failed miserably at.
> TV multiple ownership rules are entirely different, in essence, 
> without waivers or special exceptions, there is no TV multiple 
> ownership in the same market. (Most TV-TV combos operate under a 
> waiver of some sort.).

This is not true for Low Power TV stations.
> 2nd strange statement:  Of course commercial stations can own their 
> own translators, we own three.  These translators must be "fill-in" 
> translators, however. That is, the translator's contour can't go 
> beyond the service contour of the primary station (54 dbu for B's, 57 
> dbu for B-1's, 60 dbu for all other classes).
> A commercial FM station may be carried on a translator outside the 
> service contour only if the translator is owned by someone else. The 
> primary station can't provide financial support but can provide 
> engineering support.
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