[BC] FM Power Amplifiers

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Sat Jan 5 15:38:19 CST 2008

Actually, the Nautel Digital exciter that came out in the late '90's IS one of
the best sounding exciters out there-unless of course you LIKE the sound of
composite audio going through  TLO-74's and 5532 opamps.

I don't.

That said, the FX-50 is one of the better sounding exciters out there-IF you
replace the 5532's in it with better opamps. One thing it does have is a film
capacitor bypassing the electrolytic capacitor in the FMO.

You can thank Grady and me for that....


------ Original Message ------
Received: Sat, 05 Jan 2008 10:49:26 AM EST
From: Mike McCarthy <Towers at mre.com>

That said, the used Nautel FM would be a good deal IF the original channel
is in the same "range" as your channel.  Nautel's combiners in that series
operated in three ranges due to jumper cable length differences.  The box
is the same otherwise across the band. Changing bands is probably not a
cost effective thing to do however.

  . .

HOWEVER, I'm not a fan of the British made exciter used in that
series.  Keep your FX50 and you'll have the best sounding station on the

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