[BC] Future of radio and it's engineers?

Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD kkidd at kkbc.com
Sat Jan 5 15:34:59 CST 2008


We rebuilt a ground system in Frost WV and made a trip up to the Green
Bank WV observatory.  Awesome is the only way to describe it.

The engineer for the station that we were working on was one of the
techs at the observatory.


Dave Dunsmoor wrote:
 >     So my question is this: could there possibly be a greater future in
 > "listening" than in "talking" for those of us who really like technology?
 > What would it take to generate the interest in extra-terrertrial research to
 > release the resources to build more of this type of facility? And no, I'm
 > not talking about SETI and the "Art Bell" crowd here.

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