[BC] Robust headphones]]

JYRussell at academicplanet.com JYRussell at academicplanet.com
Mon Jan 7 20:05:02 CST 2008

I've done it both ways, but, in studios where accoustics or mics are from
days gone by... you have to hear what you're doing to know what you're doing
in some instances...

  Alot depends on the format... sometimes I can just do the 'brandy and
cigar' thing... and sometimes, I need to be be Barry White.
Over music. Or not.  Depends on the format.
Are you working with the mux, or talking over it?
 Levels have to be right, or you get lost in the mix, 'cause your voice is
that deep all by itself...

 Of course that's all from 'back in the day' when personality mattered more.
1 of out a bajillion survived... now, as long as you can VT... you're 'real
good at radio'.

  Anyway, I got in the habit of putting on the cans, and living in there for
4 or 6 or 8 hours...

   Which also forced me to pay more strict attention to what I was doing, by
not being distracted by every person who went by the glass... but also led
to turning them up after a while, so, I put a dob of super glue on there and
learned to work with things the same from beginning to end of shift.

   Still can't hear. ;-D
still have a rack of equipment and 4 15" cabinets in my bedroom...

  there's something about being able to FEEL the music

----- Original Message -----
From: "R A Meuser" <rameuser at ieee.org>
To: "Broadcast Radio Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [BC] Robust headphones]]

> Dave
> I have been on both sides of this issue. Headphones get turned up
> partially due to hearing fatigue. Over time the ears de-sensitize and
> the volume tends to increase.. Then there is the 'making love to the
> headphone' issue.  I agree with you that the best headphones are no
> headphones. I have built or inherited several stations set up that way
> and the delivery is always better. It also solves delay and monitor
> Dave Dunsmoor wrote:
> > I've never worked "on air", and have always been curious about the
> > (need?) to have phones levels up so high. I've worked at some stations
> > phones were not used at all, and the on-air presentation was great. The
> > sounded comfortable with himself and his audience. It was like we were
> > sitting in the den having a conversation over brandy and a cigar. This
> > was really good. New ownership, new staff.....rats.
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