[BC] DTV Transition Wrinkle

k7vor at aol.com k7vor at aol.com
Tue Jan 8 10:02:05 CST 2008

? No one has been providing an answer to the question of
whether TV translators will be converted to DTV by the February
2009 cutover date -- or if they ever will be switched to DTV.
It's a costly process, and some stations may not view the switch
worthwhile because translator viewing has decreased as cable and
satellite penetrations have increased.

? Many inquiries to TV stations here in Phoenix, AZ have gone
unanswered partly, I would assume, because the engineering staff
has other concerns and has not seriously addressed the translator
issue.? At risk is the remaining translator audience -- including
travelers and campers -- who may be cutoff come February 2009,
or may try to use DTV-to-NTSC converter boxes unsuccessfully.

? Bob Dreste, retired, K7VOR (at) aol.com

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