[BC] Pirate radio anyone?

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 14:04:26 CST 2008

A little costly? Try ALOT.

I could get a 1/2 Watt unit from a very reputable overseas seller.. a 
company that makes transmitter (not in China) for much less and the 
quality is just as good.

Mind you, I know that's not quite legal.. but I found the 
Landmark/Decade stuff to be way overpriced.


On Jan 10, 2008 11:23 AM, Rev. Robert P. Chrysafis 
<<mailto:chrysafis74 at comcast.net>chrysafis74 at comcast.net> wrote:
Pure Garbage!!! Spark Gap Generator.

Look at the Landmark FM - FM350 or the Decade MS-100s

these are the best Part 15 FM units on the Market, although a little costly.
But you get what you pay for.

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