[BC] The Telephone Beeper

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 18:48:34 CST 2008

With GT&E, you may still be waiting when Gabriel blows the buzzer...

I'm still waiting on them to come up with a phase-coherent stereo set of 
lines for STL............. since 1981!

Tom S.

Gary Glaenzer wrote:
> just about every telephone directory had this small print in the front:
> "recording of telephone conversations without an approved 
> recorder-connector device is contrary to the company's tarriffs and is 
> not permitted" of course, 'approved' = 'company-supplied with high 
> monthly charges'
> which led me to inquire of General Tel in 1970 'Since I am putting it 
> directly on the air and not recording, that doesn't apply, correct?'
> I'm still waiting for the answer...............

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