[BC] "I Don't Know Anything About Programming, but ..."

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Mon Jan 21 09:52:50 CST 2008

------ At 11:22 AM 1/20/2008, Tom wrote: -------

>Join and check out the links; MANY stations still running 
>Beautiful... maybe not as many as in days of yore, when FM was in 
>its infancy, but quite a few.

How many is quite a few? Those of us who programmed the stuff in its 
heyday don't consider "Music of Your Life" to be Easy Listening in 
the traditional sense. The stuff I hear on satellite and cable also 
wouldn't qualify. Too many vocals. The other major issue of the time 
was whether or not to play original artists in addition to covers.

Most of us who were involved in the format in a major way don't 
believe it's viable today as we did it then. That leaves the 
traditional Beautiful Music format as done when there were as many as 
4 stations to a market doing it as certifiably dead.

I don't doubt there are web sites galore but that's not 
revenue-producing radio.


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