[BC] EV635

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 20:50:40 CST 2008


:-P :-P :-P

Already DID that...

Favorite mike?  For dependable can't kill it - the 635A.  For best 
IN-STUDIO - RCA 77DX or 44B; do NOT take these babies outdoors without 
extensive windscreens!  Current or recent builds - RE-10 and RE-20.  
There's this cute inexpensive condenser I'm trying out right now that 
seems pretty good; GXL - 2400.  Senheiser makes some good music mikes; 
then there's a couple from AKG...


BTW - speaking of expensive... Does anyone have experience with any of 
the various ribbon mikes that were "77DX'd" - IIRC, there are several 
mikes that have, or can be, rebuilt with 77DX type ribbons..

Tom S. - Not prejudiced, but when I want reliable... back to EV.

Steve Newman wrote:
> Stan...I believe you're thinking of the EV666 (we all called it the 
> "Triple 6"). Now that mic had a smooth, rich sound for a dynamic. I 
> had one of the older models at one time. Don't know what happened to 
> it. I use a Neumann U87 (the Klaus Heyne modified edition) so I don't 
> do dynamic mics anymore).
> Cue Tom S. to stand up and talk about expensive mics. :)

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