[BC] Sage Endec Remote Control Software

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Mon Jan 21 21:36:58 CST 2008

Do you have a multi-unit version for the multi-station cluster which 
has as many as 9 units in one place?  It would be nice to be able to 
coordinate the RWT for all the stations with the click of one mouse button.


At 04:22 PM 1/21/2008 -0500, Tim Backer wrote
>I have written a more up-to-date and flexible utility to allow a 
>computer to control the Sage Endec EAS units.  As with other 
>available utilities, it communicates with the Sage as if it were a 
>handheld wand, but is a little more advanced than what is out there now.

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